Saturday, April 30, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "Z" (Z end...almost)

Today is the final day of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
You should have all kinds of friends in your life.  But it's important to have a few friends that are a bit ZANY.  They're the ones you can be silly with.  The ones you can stay up all night chatting with.  They like to play board games.  They'll dress up at Halloween or if you have a Wig and Wine party for New Year's Eve.  Yep, everyone should have a ZANY friend.  If you don't have one, perhaps you are the ZANY friend in your circle of friends and that's a good thing.  You bring smiles to your friends.
Today is the last day of the A-Z Challenge.  If you participated in it, how did you do?  Did you come up with a word or topic for each day?  Did you have fun?  Are you going to keep blogging everyday?  YIKES!  I'm going back to my regular schedule of posting (usually) on Sundays and Thursdays.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "Y"

 Say YES to your brilliant husband (in my case)....
 You might find your YES brings out a whole new side of your personality!
Riding on the back of a bike was not something I ever expected to love, but, man, I do!
Say YES to going to conferences and making new friends!
This part of The WAD at Chautauqua in 2008 with Peter Jacobi and Mary Cassanova.

Today is day 25 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Saying YES to friendship will make you a happier, healthier person. Saying YES when a friend invites you to lunch will make your day brighter.  Saying YES on facebook when that kid from 3rd grade that you used to climb on the monkey bars with sends you a friend request, will put a smile on their face and maybe yours.  Saying YES to stretching yourself as a writer by putting yourself out there, going to conferences, getting critique partners will all make you a better writer.  Saying YES to blogging will increase the number of writers you can rely on for honest input.  Saying YES to blogging has made me a happier person.  I'm so grateful to the people I've "blogmet" and become friends with. 
I hope each of you get a YES that makes you happy, very soon!
What YES would make you happy today?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "X"

Today is day 24 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
I hope you noticed that all of my friendship posts this month have been qualities you might want to find in a friend or a friend might want to find in you.  Today will be a little bit different...(I'd insert a dark end of the world kind of music clip...if I had one for you).

You do not want to have a friend that has Xenophobia.  They would not be good travel companions.  They wouldn't want to experience the local culture.  They would not want to go on adventures with you.  They might not want to leave the hotel room, if you could get them to leave their house.  They might not want to fly, or take train or a bus.  They might be scared to try strange new foods...

I hope you don't have Xenophobia!  I can't imagine how hard it would be to cope with everyday life.  If you do have it,  (remember I'm not a doctor) you probably should talk to your doctor about it and see how they can help you.  The world is a wonderful place, full of wonderful people who are willing to share themselves and their lives with you.  Having a good friend may be the start to a better life.  (((Hugs to everyone!)))  Here is a link to more information on Xenophobia.

If you are doing the A-Z Challenge, what X word did you do?  If you are not doing the A-Z Challenge, do you have another X word that either describes a quality you want in a friend or don't want in a friend?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "W"

(A good friend is like being wrapped in the warm blanket, snuggled up in your favorite chair.)

Today is day 23 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Warmth...we all crave it.  We need to feel wanted inside.  We need to feel loved.  We want our hearts to feel full.  When our friends have success many of us have a warm feeling in our hearts.  No matter what the success.  It could be an upcoming book to be released.  (waves Elana)  It could be they signed with an agent. (waves Buffy)  It could be they are going to have a much wanted baby.  (waves Candace)  But no matter what the news, we feel waves of warmth fill our hearts because we know they are happy.  It's also nice to know is that one day they will have that same warm feeling when we have an exciting piece of news to share with them.'s not a state of body's a state of the heart.
Have any of your friends given you a reason to be full of warmth lately?  BTW, do any of you have any other "w" words for me?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "V"

(Do you value the little things in life?)

Today is day 22 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
When we think of the word value we think of money...are we getting our money's worth?  It's the same with our friends.  Do we value them?  Do they value us?  You can tell by the way they treat you if you are a valued friend.  You can also tell by the way you treat them if you value them.  Do you cancel on them?  Do you only call when you need something?  Do you feel like you "have to" see them?  If you answered yes, then those people are not valued friends...If you want to be a valued friend, think about your relationship with that person.  How can you make it stronger?  What's it lacking?  There are different kinds of friends...some aren't meant to last forever.  If this person is one whom you would like to have a  friendship with for a long time, then you have to put the work in and show them that you can be that valued friend they are looking for.

What is the longest friendship you have had?  or still have?

Monday, April 25, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "U"

(Is there any friendship more unselfish than the one you have with your pet?)

Today is day 21 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
I hit on this before when we were talking about being giving or generous, but being unselfish really shows the quality of a person's character.  Being around a person who needs to be the center of attention can wear you out.  Not to mention it gets a bit boring.  When a friend is going through a hard time, often they just need someone to listen to them.  They don't need to hear about when you had a hard time too.  Sometimes they do, but first they need to be heard.  It gets tiresome if you and a friend get in a pattern of you always doing favors for them, but they never offer to do or are able to do a favor in return. It feels very lopsided.  I'm not saying you can't ask your friends for help...I'm just saying you have to be willing to help in return.  An unselfish friend is a fair friend.  The two of you are equal partners in the friendship.  Imagine if you gave your friend a wonderful Christmas (or whatever holiday is special to you) present every year and that friend never acknowledge that you gave her or him a gift, let alone bothered to even send you a card.  However, they expected you to give one to seems like eventually you would grow to resent that friendship or lack thereof.  Am I right?  You have to be unselfish and vested in your friends so that they can be unselfish and vested in you.
Do you have any other "U" words for me?  This was a hard one!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "T"

(You can TRUST that if I'm hosting a party, there will be a chocolate fountain!)

Today is day 20 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Sometimes a friend will disappoint you.  Perhaps you've known this friend since you were a kid and all of a sudden you realize they aren't trustworthy.  They do a few little things, perhaps you catch them in a couple lies.  Then you realize they've stolen some money from you, but you figure they must have really needed it.  You love them after all.  You've known them since you were teenagers.  You would've given it to them if they had asked.  But then they do something big, something really big and you don't think you'll ever be able to trust them again.  Trust is a hard thing to earn back once you've lost it.  Even if you want to give it back to that person, you are still hesitant... It may take years for them to prove themselves to you.  Being trustworthy is something that should never be taken for granted no matter how long you've been friends... Don't deceive your friends.  You could lose that trust forever!

I don't like it when people make jokes at the expense of others.  I don't mind blond jokes because I'm blond.  But it really bothers me when people show that they are intolerant of other groups based on some difference they have.  Sometimes people use racial slurs without even thinking about it.  It really upsets me when people do that.  Again, I'm far from perfect.  I make mistakes, but I try very hard not to stereotype people based on their skin color, age, sex, sexual orientation, height, religion, race or intellect.  I hope, really really hope, that I decide to like a person or dislike a person based on the quality of their character...I hope I'm a tolerant person.

Being thoughtful is another way you can show you are a good friend.  Occasionally, calling a friend out of the blue is a way to be thoughtful.  Dropping them a note in the mail in another way.  One of our old neighbors brought dinner over to us a couple times when she had seen us working out in the yard all weekend.  She was soooo thoughtful!  Even little gestures to strangers can indicate if you are thoughtful.  Opening the door for someone, saying bless you to a stranger, picking up something when a stranger drops it and offering a spot in line when the person behind you had one item and you have 50 are all ways to be thoughtful.  Being thoughtful to friends and strangers will make your heart feel full.

I hope your heart feels full today...

Friday, April 22, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "S"

(Are you self-confident about your salad?)

Today is day 19 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Can you tell when someone is sincere or when they are two faced?  Being sincere is an important quality in a friend.  It's also an important quality in a critique partner or a Beta reader.  You need your friends to be straight-up with you.  You want people around you that are willing to share their hearts so that you will be willing to share your heart with them.  Have you had a friend that you felt like you were always sharing/giving to them and they never offered the same support in return.  (No names please!)  It gets tiresome after a while.  Being self-confident is important too.  Having a friend who knows that she a valued human and has skilled is a plus.  It will give her the edge.  If you don't have self-confidence, hopefully hanging out with him or her will teach you how "act" like you do have self-confidence.  Often it's what people see on the outside is what they believe to be true.  You could be a gushing pile of nerves inside, but if you have a great "stage" presence no one will ever know. It's also nice to have friends who have self-respect and self-control.  Those two things sometimes go hand in hand....

I hope you have lots of sincere friends to share your life with and super critique partners that show you respect by sharing their sincere critiques of your work, so you can improve your manuscripts.  (And maybe a silly friend to eat a super salad with.)

Do you have another "S" word to share with me?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "R"

(Respecting the past will bring us a brighter future...)

Today is day 18 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

To get respect you have to give respect.  It's not a given that everyone deserves respect.  Sometimes adults will say to teens that they are being disrespectful and that they should show them respect because they are an adult.  NOT TRUE!  You deserve respect based on your words and your actions.  Age does not automatically mean you deserve respect.  Being an honorable human, no matter what age you are entitles you to respect (You can boo me if you want....but I believe this to be true.)  I want friends that deserve respect...honorable people, trustworthy people...people I totally trust.  Those are the people who deserve all of my respect.
Good friends are reliable and responsible.  If they say they are going to critique your ms in a certain amount of time...they will.  If they know it's going to take them longer than expected they'll let you know that too.  If they  say they'll check on your cat while you are out of know they'll not only feed her and water her...they will hunt her down, drag her out from under your bed and give her a good petting. 
I want my friends to be respected, reliable and responsible... What about you?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "Q"

(There's nothing better than a quick turn around on a critique!)

Today's day 17 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
I like friends who are quick on their feet...LOL, I don't mean they can run faster than me.  I mean they're quick with comebacks.  I usually come up with a good comeback a couple days later.  LOL... 
Friends who come to your aid quickly are a big plus.  You know those friends...The ones you know you can count on in a bind.  Your go-to people!  They are QUICK to help you.  Be it an edit, a query, pet sitting, babysitting or checking that your basement didn't flood while you were out of town for the weekend.  Those people are your quick go-to friends....Everyone should have a handful of them!
Quiet friends are great too.  There are some people you can just hang out with.  You don't have to be doing anything "fun."  You can sit on the porch and read or chat.  You can go for a walk in the park.  You can long deep discussions with them about the meaning of life or about if faeries really do exist.  Quiet friends are comfortable friends....You can go to their houses and sleep as late as you want. 
There are so many different kinds of friends.  I hope you have quick and quiet friends too.
Can you think of any more  "Q" qualities that you'd like to see in a friend?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "P"

 Do you have a special place that makes you feel especially peaceful?
Or passionate and creative?  This is my spot...

Today is day 16 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Wow, there are a lot of words that start with "P" that describe qualities I would like in my friends!  It's important that they have a positive attitude.  I don't always have one and sometimes I need someone to help remind me to see the brighter side of things.  Being patient is another great quality in a friend.  Have you ever been somewhere and your friend gets in a huff because they have to wait for something.  Give me a break!  Life's too short to get excited about that kind of stuff.  On that same note, I do like people that are should at least try to be on time.  I know stuff happens and it's no big deal when it does, but be polite and give your friends a call if you are running late.  I'm all about being polite.  In public or in private I believe in having good manners...and yes, I say excuse me when I burp even if no one is in the room.  Have you ever had a friend that had a peaceful demeanor?  Calmness just oozed out of them...I think that's a wonderful quality too.  I love a good time, but there is something to be said about having a friend that you can just hang out with and have no pressure to have meaningful conversation or to be "on."  I also like to have friends that are passionate about their beliefs....If they are passionate about their beliefs they are going to be passionate about their friendship, which means they won't let you down.   Whether you like quiet friends or rowdy friends, friends that persevere through good times and bad are the best!
Do you have a friend you want to give a shout out to?  They may never see this post, but it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy for saying how much you appreciate them in public. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "O"


It's day 15 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Obedience is a great quality in a friend , I mean a dog.  I love how Macy almost always does as she's told, but that's not really a quality you want in a friend. Is it?  You want your friends to be independent thinkers and to question you at times.

My real word for today is "Optimist."  Having a friend who is optimistic is so important.  They will help you when you are down on yourself for what ever reason.  They will pump you up.  They'll encourage you to see the good in the last rejection letter you got.  Optimistic friends know that every rejection is one step closer to an acceptance.  Am I right guys???  (Everyone shouts, Yes, Sharon!)

When has an optimistic friend gotten you through a hard time? 

My good friend Tess Hilmo (whose book With A Name Like Love is coming out soon) really helped me when I moved.  She told me, "You can do this, Sharon."  It was a simple sentence, but I fall back on it all of time and I may have said it to some of you when you were down or struggling.  It's a powerful sentence and it continues to get me through.... (hugs to Tess!)


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "N"

(Nothing says Nice like a friend bringing you a bouquet of fresh flowers!)

It's day 14 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

I know the word "nice" is over used, but I adore the word.  It's a warm word.  If I describe someone as nice it's a compliment.  It means they do kind things, they are never offensive, they are the kind of people I like to hang out with.  When I die I hope that people will say she was a nice person and she wrote lovely stories.  I think that's what I am aiming for in life... 
Do you want your friends to call you "nice?"
Do you have a friend who notices the little details about you that no one else notices?  Perhaps they notice when your house isn't as tidy as normal and it makes them realize you might need someone to talk to.  Perhaps they notice you aren't going to the gym anymore and they stop by your house to see what's wrong.  Or perhaps you stop blogging or facebooking or returning emails and they get worried about you and call you.  Having a friend who notices when something is wrong is a sign that they are a real friend.
I hope you have friends that notice when you really need them.
I kind of struggled with the letter "N."
Can you help me think of any other qualities, in a friend, that start with "n?"
Have an awesome weekend!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "M" and a SCBWI Crystal Kite Award Reminder

(There are only a few times in life that I will lose my manners.  Being chased by hornets will cause a whole different side of me to emerge...It's not pretty either.)

It's day 13 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).


Call me old fashioned, but I want a friend that has manners.  If you are going to be late, you call and say I'm running late.  If you're invited to a function, you RSVP whether it's on the invitation or not.  I'm not perfect by any means, but I try to behave like a "good" grown up when I'm around other people's kids and I hope for that same respect around my kiddo.  I like friends who say please and thank you...and don't sag.  It doesn't bother me when I see your bra strap, but when I can see your underwear it really bothers me, especially if you aren't bent over trying to fix my sink.  I like friends who wait until 3/4 of the table is served when we go out to dinner.  Call me old school and when a lady gets up from the table, I think it's lovely when the men get up too.   I really like to see people everywhere displaying good manners.  Holding doors for people in shops, offering to help someone if they can't reach an item on a shelf or just having polite chit chat with someone who is serving you at a restaurant or checking you out at Target are all ways to show you have good manners.  I think how you interact with people, all people, shows what type of friend you might be.

What good manners do you like to see people display?  Do you have any other "M" words for me?

Today, Friday, April  15th is the final day to cast your vote in Round 2 of the 2011 SCBWI Crystal Kite.  If you are an SCBWI member and haven't voted please hop over and vote.  (Hilary Wagner's book Nightshade City is up for the award in one region!)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "L"

(Macy is a loving loyal friend!)

Today is day 12 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
True friends are loyal.  They stand with you through thick and thin.  They pick you up when you are down.  They encourage you when you think your manuscript stinks.  They give you a little shove when they see you faltering.  Loyal friends last a lifetime. 

You are supposed to love your family.  You are related to them, so it's a given that you love them. (It doesn't always work out that way, but most of the time it does.) 

You get to decide about the other people in your lives....your friends.  There are some people you just fall in love with the moment you meet them.  You know the friends I'm talking about.  The ones you click with.  The ones you have an instant connection with.  You can't put your finger on it, but you love them from the moment you meet them.  Then there are friends that you grow to love...Either way, love is a wonderful benefit of a great friendship. 

What other "L" words describe your good friends?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "K"

(My last birthday was joyful, thanks to the kindness of my bloggy friends.)

It's day 11 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Kindness is something that comes naturally to some people.  I adore people who care deeply for others.  People who are kind are a gift...they do things for others for no other reason than to help someone out.  It really bothers me when people appear to be kind, but they are doing things for ulterior motives....once I catch you doing that, it's hard for me to trust you....

I don't usually enjoy my birthday.  I've never seen it as a reason to celebrate...I'm just getting older and getting more wrinkles.  We usually go out for dinner, but that's it.  Anyway, I had the pleasure helping organize a surprise birthday wish for a fellow blogger last year.  Then he asked one of my writing buddies when my birthday was and she told him.  Well, he was so excited about my birthday, that I had to be excited too.  His kindness and enthusiasm made me enjoy my birthday.  Most of you know him already and you know how kind he is.  Lenny Lee is one of the kindest and wisest bloggers out there and he's 11 years old.  Thank you Lenny for being so kind to me...and being my cp! Thanks to Lenny's kindness and the kindness of all my bloggy and facebook friends I will celebrate my birthday from now on.  (((HUGS))) to everyone!

Has anyone in the blogging world surprised you with their kindnessCan you think of any other "K" words that describe a good friend?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "J"

Every time this photo pops up on my screen saver I feel joyful.  Do you see those little windows?  The WAD met there and critiqued our manuscripts when we were at Chautauqua at the Highlights Summer Workshop in 2008.    It was a special time...You may already know some of the WAD.  Amy Allgeyer Cook, Tess Hilmo and Susan Fields all blog.  Diana Calio, Kim Sebastian, and Rhonda Roberts don't blog, but you might have seen their names in Highlights.  Heidi Schmidt doesn't blog either, she has one picture book and is an AMAZING can check out her flicker page.
Today's day 10 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
Friends bring you JOY!  You bring them JOY, too!  Some friends fill your heart with feel full when you are around them.  I hope you have lots of friends like that.

Do you have a joyful memory that you'd like to share?  Can you think of any other "J" words that describe a characteristic in a friend?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "I"

(Do you ever let your imagination go wild? )

Today is day 9 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
Who would have thought a friend with an imagination would be a requirement???  But it is.  I like to be around creative people.  What about you?  I think friends that are imaginative give you the freedom to be silly together, and that's a must in my book.  On a more serious note, having integrity is a deal breaker for me.  Have you ever seen someone keep extra change at a restaurant or a shop?  It turns my integrity!  Or heard someone lauhing as they left a shop about not paying for something?  Deal Breaker!  I worked in fast food in college.  People would eat almost a whole sandwich and then complain and want their money back.  Yeah, not my type of person. 

I really struggled with coming up with more "I" words.  Can you help me come up with some more?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "H"

(Susan Fields has all the qualities you could want in a friend, plus she's an awesome writer!)

Today is day 8 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

Honesty is so important in a friendship.  If you can't trust a friend, you can' really call them friend.  Once trust is lost due to deception, it is really hard to earn it back.  Having happy friends makes you happier. Everyone gets down and having friends to lift you back up is a blessing.  I've been given that gift many times.  Humility is an important quality too.  Have ever been at a party and there's been someone who thought the party was for them...and it wasn't.  They seemed to need to be the center of attention no matter what the occasion.  They seem to think they are the best at everything.  Yeah, not my kind of friend.  I like my friends to be a bit more humble than that.  Susan has all these qualities and more...I realized I haven't seen her since her birthday last August and it made me a bit sad.  For those of you who don't know, we used to live down the street from each other and walk our dogs together.  I hope you'll hop over and say "hi" to Susan.

Do you have a special friend you want to give a shout out to today?  What "H" qualities do they have?

Friday, April 8, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "G"

("Please be generous and give away some of this stuff.  I'm tired of walking around it!")
I'm on day 7 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge!  Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).

A generous friend is one who is willing to give of their heart, their time and, yes, their stuff for the benefit of others.  I love friends who believe in a cause passionately.  I try and support those friends beliefs.  I'm always grateful when a friend invites me to walk in an event promoting one of their causes.  (*waves Susie and Holly*)

Have you been blessed with the opportunity to be generous to a friends passion?  Do you have any other "G" words that describe a good friend?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "F"

 (I love friends who like to have going on a crocodile cruise in Costa Rica with me.)
(Thankfully, no one thought it would be fun to thrown me overboard.)

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge! I've chosen a topic for the entire month. Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a photo addiction).


Have you ever had a friend who didn't want to do anything you wanted to do?  Not so much fun, huh?  Or a friend who is always complaining?? I like friends who are fun to be with.  I think it's important that you like to do fun things's great when they make you stretch yourself.  (Some of you might remember my post about singing at karaoke bar with some friends.) Some other qualities I think are important are that friends are faithful...through good times and bad.  They are fair to everyone.  I wouldn't want a friend that treated me really well, but treated someone else poorly.  I like being around people who laugh and smile....being happy is important for your mental health, so having a friend who is funny is a bonus. 

What "F" words describe your friends??? (Keep it clean people!  I'll delete you if you're naughty.)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "E"

(Yep, it's me! We were celebrating my dear friend Marina's birthday, princess style.)

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge! This is my first time to do it...I have chosen a topic for the entire month. Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I would do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a little bit of a photo addiction).


When selecting friends it's important to choose ones that compliment your personality...or make up for your shortfalls.  For me, it's especially important to have friends that are easy-going.  I tend to be rather prim and proper, when I'm not on the Harley.  I am a heavy duty worrier.  Most of you already know that about me.  So, for me having an easy-going friend is very important.  Hopefully, one day some of my princess friends who are easy-going will rub off on me. 
What E word characteristic is important in a friend to you?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "D"

(This is my brilliant, determined, devoted, diligent husband...and he's been an awesome friend since 1983!)

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge! This is my first time to do it...I have chosen a topic for the entire month. Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I would do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a little bit of a photo addiction).
Finding and keeping true friends takes work and effort, just like the time and work involved in a marriage.  Something that attracted me to my husband (of almost 25 years) was his determination to succeed in college.  We both came from financially challenge backgrounds and his drive to be the best and finish college amazed me.  He soon became one of my most dependable friends.  I knew if I was in any kind of crisis I could call him...let me tell you, at 17 and in college...I always had some sort of crisis.  He was always there for me.  It was easy to see he was devoted to me.  We got married when he finished his first degree and he was pushed on, he was some kind of diligent.  He went on and got two more degrees and I got my elementary education degree.  Finding a friend that is determined, diligent, dependable and devoted can lead to a lifetime friendship.

My wish for each of you is that you have a friend like my Brilliant Husband....someone who is dependable, determined, diligent, and devoted.

What other "D" word characteristics would like in a friend or a spouse?

Monday, April 4, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "C"

(A Castle bathroom...)

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge! This is my first time to do it...I have chosen a topic for the entire month. Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I would do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a little bit of a photo addiction).

I hope you've been thinking about the qualities you'd like to see in a friend...

Sometimes you need a friend who has the courage to stand up to you.  One that will tell you you are wrong.  One that's not scared to say you shouldn't do something like, blast an agent or editor on your blog or wear a dress with massive pink and orange flowers on it to a formal event.  Real friends will tell you...They will have the courage to not let you look foolish.

I look for compassionate friends...ones who care deeply.  If you look at the word compassionate, part of the word is passionate.  I'd never noticed that until today.  I want friends who care with a passion; care about others, care about animals, care about our world, care about themselves, and care about our relationship. 

What other "C" words do you know that represent qualities in friends???? 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "B"

(These are two of my favorite people with Beautiful Hearts...)

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge! This is my first time to do it...I have chosen a topic for the entire month. Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I would do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a little bit of a photo addiction).
When I look for a friend I look for one with a beautiful heart.  Often times we are attracted to what is on the outside of people, but really matters is what is on the inside.  A person with a beautiful heart is one that you know you can rely on.  A person with a beautiful heart is one that truly listens.  A person with a beautiful heart is one who doesn't care what you look like like on the outside or what kind of car you drive or what subdivision you live in or even if you are published (yet) or not.  A person with a beautiful heart just likes you because you are you...
What other "B" words can describe a good friend?

Friday, April 1, 2011

The ABC's of a Good Friend...A

I'd like to thank Arlee Bird for organizing the A-Z Challenge!  This is my first time to do it...I have chosen a topic for the entire month.  Since I write for younger children and we are doing the ABC's I thought I would do The ABC's of A Good Friend and throw in a few random pictures. (Because I have a little bit of a photo addiction.  My Brilliant Husband will often take the camera away from me and tell to enjoy the moment.  LOL, I need the camera in my hand to enjoy the moment!)

(My Brilliant Husband encouraged me to touch one of these lovely creatures in Costa Rica!)

I believe one of the best ways to be a good friend whether you are near or far (or in blogland) is to be attentive and appreciative of your friends.  If you notice one of your bloggy or regular friends has gone quiet, check on them...It's worth the energy...That's what a friend does.  When someone does something for you show them you appreciate it.  I think we often forget how lovely it is to sit with a pen and paper and write a note to someone.  You never know, it might mean the world to them.    The best way to have attentive and appreciative friends is to be one....

Can you think of any other qualities you'd like in a friend that start with A?