Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The ABC's of A Good Friend... "J"

Every time this photo pops up on my screen saver I feel joyful.  Do you see those little windows?  The WAD met there and critiqued our manuscripts when we were at Chautauqua at the Highlights Summer Workshop in 2008.    It was a special time...You may already know some of the WAD.  Amy Allgeyer Cook, Tess Hilmo and Susan Fields all blog.  Diana Calio, Kim Sebastian, and Rhonda Roberts don't blog, but you might have seen their names in Highlights.  Heidi Schmidt doesn't blog either, she has one picture book and is an AMAZING artist...you can check out her flicker page.
Today's day 10 of Arlee Bird's A-Z Challenge! Since I write for younger children and we're doing the ABC's, I thought I'd do The ABC's of A Good Friend (and throw in a few random pictures, because I have a bit of a camera habit).
Friends bring you JOY!  You bring them JOY, too!  Some friends fill your heart with joy...you feel full when you are around them.  I hope you have lots of friends like that.

Do you have a joyful memory that you'd like to share?  Can you think of any other "J" words that describe a characteristic in a friend?


  1. Aw...you met with all of them. So jealous, but happy for you. Yes, friends do bring joy. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Real friends are indeed joyful jewels!! Yay! Take care

  3. I enjoy a sense of humour so....jovial.

  4. hi miss sharon! for sure a friend could give you lots of joy in your heart. i could like a friend that doesnt judge me or any one.
    ...hugs from lenny
    ps i hope you have a day full up with joy! :)

  5. Hi Sharon .. yes friends who don't judge .. that would suit me fine now .. love Lenny's word - clever soul.

    Actually I was thinking of our foor footed friends too - who give us unbridled, unquestioning love .. joy and peace to settle our hearts ..

    Cheers and have a jalapeno spicy week! Hilary

  6. Sounds like a wonderful experience! J is a tough one. Can't think of anything better than joyful and jovial!

  7. Wonderful post. Can't think of any other 'J' words right now. Might have to pull out my dictionary on that one. Have a joyful day!

  8. I always enjoy your photos so much!

    My friendship J: Jumpers. As in, a friend is someone who helps you find the courage to jump from a plane, or from a place in life.

    j: Jumpers

  9. People who are joyous are good friends.

    Not good: jealous, jerks, jackasses, jabbers.

    Easier to find bad ones.

  10. Oh, that Lenny is clever!! Joy would be my word of choice. It's perfect. The only other is jolly, which is just another way of saying joyful, so you've go it covered. :-)

  11. Jovial works for me, it fills me with joy!

  12. What a great way to participate in this challenge. I'm so glad I found your blog and I look forward to reading more from you.

  13. Hey, I didn't know you knew Susan Fields. She is one fo my favorite blogging buddies. :)

    How about J for "just right" - like Goldylocks. My friends and I connect just right, like you ladies did in Chautauqua.

  14. Hi Sharon,
    Yep, it's me, checking out today's letter in this ongoing 'alphabet challenge' :)
    Ah yes, friends can bring us joy. And if your friend is named 'Joy', then Joy may give you joy :)
    A characteristic in a friend starting with the letter 'J'. Jolly Jovial Joker.....

  15. I have joy when I think of the new friends I'm about to meet at the Niagra Falls writing conference and retreat!
    Thanks for this ode to friends!

  16. Joy is so important in life. It's one of the things I'm always telling my students they have to search for!

  17. Jumpy! Makes for a fun Halloween! ;)

  18. Aw, that was such a great time!! I miss you all like crazy! My J word would be jewel because you guys were the jewels of my Chautauqua experience!! xo

  19. Oh, the memories! Remember how the airline lost our luggage and Tess offered to let me wear her clothes to the opening banquet, even though we'd just met each other like 5 minutes ago?
