Sunday, August 1, 2010

Really Random Questions...AND MY ANSWERS

(LOL, me being all tough...)
Jackee and I had so much fun with you guys in July!  We loved getting to know you.  We thought it might be fun for us to answer all the questions we asked you...
  1. Do you take baths? Yes, when needed.
  2. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I would be a sweet pea, because they live in pods and are a lovely green color.
  3. Are you a cat? Nope, but it was a fun question...
  4. Do you have teeth? If the answer is yes, what do you do with them? Yes, I brush and floss them.
  5. When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you do? I stumble down the stairs and find the coffee pot.
  6. What phobia does Howie Mandel have? Do you have it? Howie is afraid of germs.  I'm not.
  7. If you were going to re carpet my basement, what tool might you need? A tape measure...
  8. What should you do right before you go to bed? (G-Rated blog warning) Brush your teeth and give thanks for your blessings.
  9. If you were at a posh restaurant and ordered your favorite tea, what flavor would you order? Earl Grey
  10. If you were in the kitchen at 7p.m. what would you be doing? I'd be doing the dishes.
  11. What is your favorite snow cone or icy flavor? I'm not a big fan of cold things.  I think that's me being English...
  12. After you sneeze it's a good idea to ___________________. Wash your hands!
  13. Funky socks or practical ones? Sadly....I'm very practical (unless we are talking about face cream.)
  14. You're at a wonderful diner, they make the BEST fruit pies.  What flavor do you order? I'd order carrot cake.  It's not a pie, but it's my favorite dessert.
  15. Are you an international spy or traveler? I can't answer that question...I'm a rule follower. Enough said....
  16. Name your favorite pick me up drink. Coffee...strong coffee...
  17. I say cookie, you say _________________________. milk
  18. You are trapped on a deserted dessert island and all you have to drink is flavored water.  What flavor do you drink first? First, a desert island...think about it...Second, strawberry.
  19. If you see a mouse in your house, what do you do? I tell my husband to do something about it!  Then I stay in my room until the problem is resolved...No matter how many days it takes...
  20. Describe the inside of your desk drawer.I have a drawer with sections of pens, pencils, and post its in one drawer.  Can you say organized...OCD organized...?
  21. If I was to give you a pile of photographs what would you do with them? I'd put them in a pile until I could scrapbook them.
  22. When you go on vacation, do you take notes? I take lots of notes and pick up brochures everywhere I go...You never know when you might need that info for a book!
  23. Tropical or local? Tropical....
  24. It's 1 a.m. and you're at Waffle House, what do you order to drink? Strong Coffee.
  25. If you could visit any kind of fruit farm, what would it be and why? I'd go to a pineapple farm.  I can't imagine what one would look like, so I really want to see one!
  26. Do you wash your hands regularly? Yes, often too much, especially in cold and flu season.
  27. You are on a trip to Iceland to do research. What research tool do you take with you? Pen and Paper
  28. While in Iceland, your lips get very dry.  What flavor chap stick do you use? Lemon or orange...
  29. If someone throws a ball and yells fetch what do you do?  I look for Macy.
  30. You are having Tea with the Queen.  You are offered a variety of crepes.  What kind do you order? Strawberry.
  31. You have a big day ahead of you.  What do you do to make sure you get everything done? Make a list!
  32. Do you have a kitchen? Yep...a dusty one.
  33. What's your favorite donut filling? When was the last time you had it?  I love apple fritters.  I don't know if that counts as a filling, but it makes me want to run out and buy one or four....
  34. It's about 4 months until winter.  What will you need to protect your hands in the winter? Three layers of protection...hand cream, gloves and mittens on the very top layer.
  35. Journal or computer? I start most writing projects on paper and then move to the computer.  I'm old school...
  36. If you were to find a bone, what would you do? I'd try and figure out what the bone belonged to.
  37. What's your favorite fruit roll up? Strawberry.
  38. Carry on or cargo?  Cargo...I hate being stuck in the airport with a heavy bag.  I need to be able to shop at the gift shops.
  39. Writer or reader? both
  40. Tell me something surprising about yourself...Although I portray myself as a Harley chick, I'm more of an evening gown girl...One more thing (because I'm proud of myself), we've been boat people for 9 years.  This weekend was the first time I EVER jumped off the boat into the lake. 
I've really enjoyed getting to know you guys better.  If you have any questions for me (G-RATED), go for it! I'll answer them in the comments, rather than in an email...



  1. Oh wow!! A coffee gal like moi!! And look at you all beefed up on your Harley and hiding from a mouse! LOL! I never thought of a pineapple farm... now that would be interesting!

    I had such fun answering these questions!! It got so that I was looking forward to them!!

    THANK YOU lovely Sharon K Mayhew and lovely Jackee!!! You're both bright shining beautiful STARS!

    Take care

  2. It was fun reading your answers to the questions. I didn't participate everyday, but it was fun.

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers too and thanks for the fun contest!

  4. Thanks for posting your answers, it was fun reading about you!...Love your tough chick photo :)!!...Enjoy your day, Sharon!

  5. hi miss sharon! i love that picture of you on that motorcycle. now you gotta do one in one of those evenin gowns you said you like. wow you jumped in the lake! were you scared? did you like it? did macy jump in with you? all your answers were fun to read. the mouse one made me laugh. i like apple fritters too.i got my prize in the mail. wowee thanks! i hope your lots more dry at your house now.
    ...hugs from lenny

  6. Its always fun to get to know bloggers better. And your tough Harly look helps mask your night job as a spy.

    Stephen Tremp

  7. Thx for answering, I was curious. Also thx for the pries, it was what I needed, I just never thought of it before.

  8. Evening gown girl and biker chick! You are multi-dimensional!

    Great answers.


  9. Congrats on the jump!

    I love Earl Grey tea too - that and Chai tea are my replacements for coffee - love the smell, don't like the taste.

  10. Fun answers, Sharon!
    You look like one tough biker chick! :)
    Congrats on the jump off the boat!

  11. We found about your website from Brian and his sisfurs and think you have an awesome blog! We LOVE to do stuff like this and those answers were GREAT~!!!

    The Kool~Kittie~Krew and mom, Shannon

  12. Great answers!
    You look so tough in your picture! I'd pick you for Dodgeball, for sure.

  13. Yay for your answers! I love that picture of you on your Harley. :o)

    And a question for you: What elements would entail a "perfect" life for you?

    And, how did you meet your husband?

    Okay, two question and I didn't email them so I hope that's okay! :o)

    Happy Monday, my friend!

  14. It was fun learning some new things about you!

    My prize came in the mail - thank you so much!

  15. #13 made me laugh. As I said on Jackee's post, it's probably easier answering the questions than creating them.

    I like your picture.

  16. I'd do the same in the mouse question! Very fun questions, loved reading your answers.

  17. It was fun reading this. And I like the pic.
