Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I love water!  Macy loves water!  Water is my families favorite place to play...However,  I'm not loving it so much today...I awoke to find a lot of it in my house.  UGH! 

P.S. I'm only 802 people away from having a 1,000 followers! Can you believe it? I'm totally stoked and have been thinking of what to do to celebrate when I'm K-800 followers. Well, we've come up with a plan...My daughter (now a high school freshman) and I decided to have a Really Random Prize of EPIC proportion!


  1. Eek, I hate water in the house. Where I am now is okay, but my last place was so leaky with 5-6 areas I had to watch out for.

  2. :( I'm sorry about the water in the house! I always hate that.

  3. 802 away from 1000 - I like your spirit!
    Good luck drying out the house - hope nothing got ruined.

  4. Oh no!!! I hope it's not too serious?? I hope you are all ok though, what happened?

    Macy is adorable btw!!!

    p.s. 802 to 1000! INCREDIBLE!! Go girl!

    Take care

  5. What kind of dog is Macy? She looks a LOT like the little girl dog I just rescued (Fiona's only about 12 pounds).

    So cute! Lovin' the life vest--those are the best, aren't they?

  6. Hi Sharon, Ive been catching up on your blog. What gorgeous photos. Macy is beautiful. I hope you have your water problems under control now! :o)

  7. Hi Sharon,
    Sorry to hear about the water problems. I hope it's an easy fix. Thanks for the photo of Macy. I get so homesick for my animals that I am always happy to look at other ones. Lots of stray dogs here in Italy, mostly around railway yards and ancient Roman ruins. It's like they are guarding the places.


  8. Oh no, that's not good at all! I sure hope all is OK soon!

  9. Oh no Sharon ~ why did you have water in your house? Did it flood? Water heater break? What happened? Hopefully nothing got damaged too bad!

    Hope it is better!
    xo Catherine

  10. Sorry about the water, Sharon. I hope things get better:)

  11. I just spewed Diet Dr Pepper on my computer screen when I started reading your PS. It cracks me up every time.

  12. I've experienced a few leaks and just be sure to get good workers for the repair; about 15 years ago, I had to get the whole thing redone a few months later when I realized a leak wasn't fixed-they had to rip out the sheetrock between the floors and it was just a mess all over again...Best of luck.

  13. Sorry about the water in the house. Was it due to rain/flooding, or bad pipes? Hope it's all dried up soon and not too much damage :/

  14. At some point during the night our sump pump broke. It was still running, but the water wasn't going up the pipe it was going into our basement. Both the finished and unfinished sides are a mess. A friend came to the rescue (thanks, ROD) and sent a plumber. (thanks Gary)Then I spent the entire day carrying dry things up to the living room and dinning room and the wet things to the garage. When my hubby got home (early and for the second time today) he bought a shop vac and we pulled up the carpet in the storage room and tried to suck out some of the water until the water removal specialists come...hopefully they'll come tomorrow, but it may be Friday.

    THANKS FOR EVERYONE'S CONCERN! This was not the post I had planned on doing, but since I hadn't posted in several days I thought I better do something...(And I knew you guys would like to see Macy enjoying herself on the Buffalo River.)

  15. Woo! SO close to 1000 followers!
    love the water picts.

  16. Dang! Sorry about the water in the house. Not cool. But congrats on so close to 1,000. I need to do a 200 follower contest too--we should do it together! Seriously.

    And I love the picture of Macy. So cute!

  17. Medeia--This came up from the ground. We've had a huge amount of rain in Iowa. I should be thankful it didn't happen when we were on holiday. That would have been an awful mess!

    Sandy--Thanks...You're right! It stinks!

    Adrienna--Thanks for stopping in. Sorry it was some brilliant post...I'm pretty sure the carpet is going to have to be removed...ICK!

    Jennifer--They are going to be removing my baseboards, pulling the padding out from under the carpet, trying to dry the carpet and drilling holes in the walls to help them dry...

    Mary B.--Macy is half cocker spaniel and half minature poodle. She's one smart dog, but she sheds a lot.

    Niki--Thanks, she's a good dog. She's three now. The first two years were a challenge. I've never had a house dog.

    It looks like it's going to take a lot of work to get everything back to normal...

    Anne-Marie--Thanks for checking in on me while you are on your awesome (so jealous) vacation!!! It looks like it will be a lot of work to get it back to normal. I have dry stuff in the upstairs, wet stuff in the garage and furniture up on blocks in the basement.

    Brian--Don't worry about Macy and Ginger...I put the gate up so they can't get down there. I saw on the news it was important to keep your pets out of flood water.

    Catherine--The water removal guy came by and evaluated the situation...It's going to be a lot of work. Thank goodness we have sump pump failure insurance.

    Buffy--They can't get much worse. I'm pretty sure the weather in Iowa doesn't like us. We've had a new roof, new siding, new gutters and downspouts twice, new facia twice and now this. We've only been here 23 months!

    Stina--Sorry about causing you to spill your soda. It's going to be fun. I've bought a ton of random prizes. :)

    Janet--You are correct! Not fun...

    Jacqueline--Being new to the area it's hard to know who to trust. I do trust our insurance agent and she recommended a few services. The one company that came out and assessed our situation made me feel like he cared about our house and helping us.

    Joanne--A clamp came off of a pipe in the sump pump and it's rained here so much that i just filled the basement. I really hate having strangers in my house working. But a good friend gave me the thumbs up on the guy I'm hoping will get to me in the next two days.

    Terry--I knew you'd enjoy the picture of Macy. I have some more to post, but I did this really quickly...

    Jackee--Gosh you are only 796 away from 1,000 followers! I hope you had a good holiday. :) I sent you an email...

    Jeff--Thanks! I was scared this morning to touch anything down there that was electric. I just started carrrying up wet and dry stuff. When Walt got home he unplugged and moved any electical stuff....


  18. hi miss sharon! yikes looks like your water vacation got turned into a water disaster for sure. im real sorry for that. im glad youre ok and im glad youre gettin stuff cleaned up but it sure sounds like a lot of not so much fun work. i hope macy is being a helper. her picture is neat.
    ...hugs from lenny

  19. Oh no! Water in your house is definitely NOT a good thing! So sorry to hear about that.

  20. Hi Karen .. sounds a real nuisance and not what you want at any time .. I hope you can sort things quickly ... thinking of you - Hilary

  21. Ugh! Not something anyone should wake up too...hope all is well quicker than planned.

  22. Water in the house. That doesn't sound good. Sorry you had to deal with that.

  23. Water is so great until it destroys stuff. I hope the problem doesn't get any worse! We had water coming into our dining room from all the snow on the roof this winter. What a pain!

  24. A crew from Servpro arrived at 8:30 this morning and have started work on drying out everything. Walt and I worked until we were exhausted last night. It's a good thing we did, as our insurance only covers structural damage and carpet replacement. So pretty much as far as "stuff" that we don't have covered by insurance is minimal. Our camping gear and a stack of paintings that I hadn't hung yet are probably a loss. I'm sure glad that I moved everything I possibly could as soon as the water quit rising!

    Now I have to sit back and wait and see if the carpet can be saved and if the drywall can be dried out rather than having to be cut and replaced.

  25. Lenny-You are right...not so much fun! :(

    Kelly H-Y--Thanks for dropping in and for your well wishes.

    Hilary--Thanks. My house is a mess too, with boxes stacked all over it! It's going to drive me nuts until it's all back where it belongs. But it could be worse...I saw on the news a house in the neighboring town collapsed ontop of the basement!

    Madonna--Thanks for stopping by! I like the young men that are here working. They seem pretty positive about getting everything back to normal.

    Susanne--I'm a neat freak, so having a mess and strangers in the house is stressful...Hopefully it will be quickly resolved.

    Lydia--We've had so many things weather related since we moved here...When the roof was replaced about 3 weeks ago we had them put an extra width of weather proofing stuff around the edge of the roof because of what happened to you.

  26. So cute -- both the post and the picture :).

  27. Ohhhhh, random prizes! Awesome!

    So sorry about the water. What happened?? Sounds like an ordeal! Hope all is ok.

  28. O girl. Water in the house is so yucky. It sounds like you didn't lose much but all the work involved just cuts into a girls manicure time for sure!

    Hope you can get everything dried out.

    And thanks for sharing that adorable picture!

  29. Hema--Every photo we take of Macy is cute...She's a pretty good dog too. :) She likes afternoon naps on the sofa with me.

    Carol--OMGoodness I hit 200 followers some time during the night or morning!!!!!!!!!!!! Jackee and I are planning something way cool and fun to celebrate both of us reaching such an awesome milestone. :)

    Jenny--Thanks so much for becoming a follower! Thanks for the well wishes. The crew just came and checked the status of the basement. The family room down there is pretty much dry, but the guest bedroom and storage areas are still wet. They'll be back on Monday. Then the clean up and repairs start. I am so not good at living in a mess!

  30. Hope you were able to find a pump. Yikes! Have a great weekend!

  31. Try to enjoy the weekend. Maybe go for a ride on the cycle if it's nice. Blessings, Buffy

  32. Jill--We did. Most of the basement is dry now. They are leaving all the equipment running through the weekend, as the guest room was still very wet.

    Buffy--Thanks, leaving the house will be pleasant! I must have pulled something in my legs (yes, both of them) because they really hurt. I'm not sure if I can swing then up and over either the bicycle or the Harely. :(

  33. Oh no, I read your answers and am so sorry this happened to you! It is something you will remember a long time ugh. I hope you spend a dry weekend!

  34. Welcome back to Iowa!

    I'm paranoid now...we don't have a sump pump. If we get the rain you guys had we will be floating downstream!

  35. Hi Sharon! So sorry about your water woes--but I can't wait until your big 1000 follower contest! I bet it won't be long, because you're so darn likable!

    xoxo -- Hilary
